The flowers and foliage have a lovely, iconic aroma. As suggested by the name, these vibrant flowers attract bees as well as butterfliesand hummingbirds.

These textured blooms are made up of tubular petals. Given its height (2-4 feet), bee balm makes for an excellent background plant in a flower bed. Bee balm is known for its showy, bright flowers. Learn more about plants that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Bumblebees and a few other insects are too big to get into some of the smaller tubular flowers of some bee balms, so the insects practice something called “nectar robbing.” The insects punch a tiny hole at the base of the flower to access the nectar, bypassing the flower’s pollen and “robbing” it of its nectar.īesides attracting pollinators, the seed heads will attract birds in the fall and winter. Lawn & Garden Growing These Plants Will Mosquito-Proof Your Outdoor Space Outsmart biting bugs and beautify your garden by cultivating these herbs, flowers, and veggies that mosquitoes positively. Check out these perennials to attract bees to your yard and garden. Lavender leaves can be mixed with mint to make an herbal tea. Planting perennials (flowers that return every year) known to attract bees in your flower beds and yard is an effective way to create a bee-friendly yard that is both functional and attractive. There are many reasons to grow Lavender in your homestead herb garden. It is one of the Best Plants that Attract Bees. Providing nectar and pollen, some of the best varieties for bees and butterflies are: Lavance Deep Purple, Super Blue, Pastor’s Pride, Phenomenal and Dilly Dilly. These blooms charm bees and other beneficial insects. In the garden, its most frequent visitors are hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies because they have the long tongues required to reach the tubular flowers’ nectar. The bright yellow flowers with dark brown centers display a cheerful spot in the garden. Bee balm propagates by rhizomes, or runners, that spread under the ground to produce new shoots.
Keep reading to learn more about how to manage bee balm plants. It can spread quickly, though, and requires a bit of care to keep it under control. Flower colors include white, pink, red, lavender, and purple. It is prized for its color and its tendency to attract bees and butterflies. Slender, tubular flowers are produced in 2- to 3-inch-wide flower heads in June and July. The attractive flowers are often fragrant. In addition to nectar, honeybees also gather pollen from the flowers. The nectar is attractive to many types of bees, butterflies, skippers, moths and bee flies. About Bee Balmīee balm is a Native American plant not only known for its attractive scarlet flowers that bloom in the summertime but also its fragrant foliage. Eutrochium maculatum Spotted Joe Pye weed Purplish-pink flowers are borne from mid to late summer, lasting about one month.

This native plant is beloved by hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies! Learn how to plant and grow bee balm. A perennial favorite, bee balm ( Monarda spp.), aka wild bergamot, flowers in mid- to late summer.